Beryl and Janet having their first "school" lunch of the year. Hot dogs, melon and cheese. The photos (photo - greek for "light") came in reverse order of what I wanted. Oh well. I'll master blogging eventually.
We started our time line for Story of the World 4. This year we are going from 1850 until the present time. We put Beryl and Janet on the timeline and plan on putting some of the main family lines on so we can see when our grandparents and great grandparents fit in the time line.
We are counting to 100 and are planning to celebrate One Hundred Day on our one hundredth day of school - which I am estimating to be in late January or early February. Today was the first day so there is one straw in the "ones" cup, none in the "tens" cup and none in the "hundreds" cup.
I didn't feel like putting up the whole August calendar just to take it down and start with September 1 tomorrow. So we are ready for September and we spent the time decorating our calendar headers.
It's a little hard to see but the month names are decorated to fit the month - shamrock for March, Christmas Tree for December, etc. etc.
We also watched portions of the BBC "A History of Britain" and learned a little about Queen Victoria coming to the throne, her marriage to Albert, his death and later her death. We also learned about the Sepoy Mutiny in India. Tomorrow we may try an activity to show why the development of the Einfeld Rifle made such a difference - it was the first gun with a cartridge, instead of loading the powder, then the bullet....