Sunday, April 4, 2010


Playing catch up here - this science project was done on Jan 25. We've been working our way through a book on the Periodic Table with bunches of fun experiments to do, some are better then others.  This one was a success and involves Boron.

Boron is commonly seen today in the form of Borax, a laundry enhancer.  There is a story about 20 mule teams used to haul Boron from the mines, across the desert.
You take some borax, boil it in some water then let it cool.
After it is somewhat cool, take a cup (disposable is good) and add half water and half gel-type glue.
The 1 tablespoon at a time, add the borax mixture to the glue mixture and stir.
It gets goo-ier the more you add the borax mixture.
 and goo-ier
until there is not much of the glue-water mix left. It looks like this:

and this:
 We decided to add some color:
It took a little while for it to mix in completely.
It, in the end, became a lovely shade of blue-violet and it lasted for a couple of weeks.

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