Once upon a time there was a little girl named Goldilocks.

There were also three bears, the Papa Bear (right), the Mama Bear (middle) and the Baby Bear (left). They all tasted their porridge and decided it was too hot. So they went for a walk while their food cooled.

While they were gone, Goldilocks came into their house after knocking. She was hungry. She tried the food. The Papa Bear's food was too hot. Mama Bear's food was too cold. Baby Bear's food was just right so she ate it all up.

Then she tried the chairs. Too hard, too soft and just right. But the chair broke, so she went to the beds.

She tried the Papa Bear's bed - too hard. The Mama Bear's bed was too soft. Baby Bear's bed was just right so she fell asleep.

The bears came home. "Who has been eating my porridge?" "Who ate all my porridge?" asked the Baby Bear.

"Who has been sitting in our chairs?"

"Who broke my chair?" asked the Baby Bear.

"Who has been sleeping in our beds?" "Who is sleeping in my bed?" asked Baby Bear. And Goldilocks woke up and ran away, never to be seen by the bears again.
the little bear in story #1 had a great time and loved retelling her Mom all about it!!