Our social calendar gets rather full around Halloween. First there is the Trunk or Treat activity at church where we have dinner together, then some activities. While the activities are on the trunks of cars are opened to reveal cleverly arranged Halloween decorations. Above J. is singing with the rest of the kids. Below an M&M and a pirate are singing along.

After the entertainment is done the kids are released to go Trick or Treating, trunk to trunk, rather then door to door.

Our trunk had a Civil War theme. That is a working telegraph and a lego scene from a Civil War battle. The pumpkin is just there for ambiance.

Here is a dark glimpse of a row of trunks.

Second big event for our Halloween calendar is the downtown Trick or Treat event. The kids dressed up in their costumes and went store to store trick or treating. J. was a dragon the first event. Now she is a princess.

B. is a Union soldier (Civil War - kind of gutsy considering we are in the southern part of Virginia).

B. J. & friend B. sitting on a bench near the activities area in the Farmer's Market parking lot. A local church set up carnival type games for the kids to play.

A. is piglet.

Some of our Home School friends.

Third event in our Halloween Calendar is our annual neighborhood trick or treating with the N. Family. Here the kids are posing in front of the tree before we took off on our neighborhood circuit. It seemed different this year since the end of Daylight Saving Time is the next day - it is still quite light at the normal trick or treating hours.

A. J. and B.

J. & B. at a particularly spooky house with a "crystal ball" that had a head in it. They added "fog" from a dry ice and water contraption.

Our friend K. is the one standing very still. He was very effective. He stood so still people were not sure if he was a statue or real. Then he would jump out and scare people.

Our Halloween Pumpkin. The face was finished just be 4 pm on Halloween.
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