Sunday, April 11, 2010

HS Valentine's Day

Every year the home school group gets together and throws a big Valentine's Day party.  Great fun was had by all on Feb. 12.
The kids gathered and things got organized.
The older kids played a get-to-know-you game with a list of things people can do, then they had to go around to the other kids and see if they could find a different person to sign each of the different things.  There was speak Spanish, had a broken bone, etc. etc.
L. enjoying a very red frosted cup cake and other delicious foods.  Parents brought in all sorts of yummy snacks.
Parents had a list of all the children who were going to participate and the children made valentines for each other. Each child also brought a box for others to put valentines in.  It is a highlight of the event.
A fun string game where yarn gets wrapped around each participant in a circle.  Two circles compete to see which one can wrap the yarn around then unwrap the people and wind up the yard into the original ball first.
A BINGO game using words found on candy hearts was played.
Not quite BINGO yet.
Candy Heart chopstick grab.  My B. excelled at this.
J. with her stash back at home.

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