B. waiting for the parade to start.

J. waiting for the parade to start.

The parade started.

One of several bagpipe groups.

Veterans of Foreign Wars.


The mascot.

Another bagpipe group.

You know the end of the parade is near when the Fire Department is there.

The real end of the parade.

Photo Op!

B. & J. at the fountain. This area is used for a Folk Art Festival. Artisans from the Appalachian region come and demonstrate how to do various crafts. There was a fascinating beekeeper who entertained us with facts about bees and their hives.

The above gentlemen is making apple butter. He said it takes something like16 hours to boil it down. Our friend S. is helping him. Other artisans included quilters, tatters (she made little butterflies for the girls), blacksmith - with his portable equipment, leather worker - it reminded me a lot of what my grandmother taught me, -- and there was an auction going on.

The sheep herding collies were fun to watch.

The highlight was probably the drumming. The Music Department kept a regular rhythm going and the Music Therapy Department had all these instruments for kids and some grown ups to play with.

There was quite a variety. There were lots of flat drums in different sizes and tones to play as well as a variety of maracas and other shakers.

M. and G. are having a good time. J. is next to G.

Even C. had a good time. Other unusual instruments were a cylinder with a spring attached to the bottom - which was also a drum like a material that made thunderstorm type noises.
After snow cones we headed home.
It was such a fun day!