A week ago Friday our home school group kicked off the study of the Industrial Revolution with a trip to the local transportation museum. The first thing we saw was an impressive "O" gauge train set up. The kids were fascinated. It even has the Star at the top.

Under the main train set was smaller train set ups to be viewed through windows. One included a circus train, another was a playground.

Next room over was the history of cars. The front car here was one of the early cars that rolled off the first manufacturing lines. It had a tiller style stearing system. The following cars are a parade of how cars developed. There was even a sample "Burma Shave" sign.

This room was full of stuff about trains, many different aspects of it. Here D. is ringing a bell. The kids had a great time ringing it. Bells used to be on the top of trains and were moved to the front above the cow catcher.

One of the highlights of the museum is a presidential train car. It is in the process of renovation. Above is one of the bedrooms. We also saw the living room with a piano.

This is the hall that goes past the sleeping compartments to the dining room.

The Dining Room. The kitchen hasn't been renovated.

An early big rig.

Horse and buggy.

Covered wagon

One of several steam engines.

The wheels were huge.

There was a playground at one end with all sorts of toys and an old bus. The kids had a great time pretending they were riding on it. We ate lunch in this area.


B. & C. playing around the "spaceship".

L. on the bus.

R. flying a helicopter.

The "O" gauge train from upstairs. On the second floor was an amazing miniature circus set up. Impressive details.

It took over sixty hours just to do the canvast for the big tent - and that was just one of the tents. There were countless eyelets and inside the tent

were people, trapeze artists, horses, balloon salesman, elephants and so much more. There was even a miniature of Emmett Kelly - an old time, famous clown.

While some of the kids and a couple of the parents browsed the gift shop a couple of the kids tried on firemen clothes. J. was swamped by the size of the jacket.

Here is M. in a fireman's hat. We thought it was a fun place to visit. It is all volunteer run. It sits next to the railroads and was an old depot. Real diesel engines go by every now and then.
This was a great trip...thanks for setting it up. We all had a great time.